Holy crap you guys. Battle not won but nonetheless some champagne popping is in order. “Army Will Not Grant Easement for Dakota Access Pipeline Crossing,” Army.mil.
“This is a victory for organizing, and it doesn’t stop now. We are asking our supporters to keep up the pressure, because while President Obama has granted us a victory today, that victory isn’t guaranteed in the next administration. More threats are likely in the year to come, and we cannot stop until this pipeline is completely and utterly defeated, and our water and climate are safe.”
Sacred Stone Camp
Woah. “Sarah Palin: Trump’s Carrier deal is ‘crony capitalism’,” Politico.
[Note from the future: NYMHM grew out of these public posts from Joanne Merriam’s Facebook account. We retain them here in archives to provide a record going back to the beginning of Trump’s presidency.]